The Era of Personal Branding: Why Everyone Should Invest in Their Online and Offline Presence

The Era of Personal Branding: Why Everyone Should Invest in Their Online and Offline Presence


In the past, personal brands were primarily associated with speakers and influencers. However, in today’s landscape, it is important for everyone to start building their personal brand and work on the intricacies of their personal branding. 

Personal branding has become an integral part of our lives, whether we realize it or not 

Personal branding encompasses your online presence and offline reputation. It can thereby shape how others perceive you, and the aspects of yourself that you choose to share with the world.

Creating a personal brand requires understanding the concepts of personal branding and leveraging them to your advantage.

Your brand is not limited to just your area of expertise or career. You can incorporate your thoughts on current events, hobbies, personal stories, and more. By showcasing different aspects of your experience, personality, and unique perspectives, you can create a strong personal brand that resonates with your target audience.

There are several key elements to consider in your personal branding:

Authenticity is crucial

Being genuine and true to yourself is essential for a successful personal brand. Authenticity helps your brand resonate with others and build trust. Storytelling is another powerful tool that can be used to engage and inspire your audience. Sharing personal experiences through compelling narratives makes your brand relatable and applicable to others.

Variety is important when building your personal brand 

While your area of expertise or career may be a central part of your brand, don’t hesitate to share about other aspects of your life. These aspects can include: family, past experiences, hobbies, and thoughts on current events. This allows you to connect with a broader audience and potentially resonate with different individuals.

Providing value is a key principle of personal branding 

Your brand should be focused on how your ideas, experiences, and knowledge can benefit others. By sharing insights, educating, inspiring, and motivating your audience, you can make a lasting impact and build strong connections.

To build your personal brand, you can leverage various platforms and strategies. 

Establish a consistent personal brand across your social media accounts 

Choose one platform to master initially and consistently create and share valuable content. As you build a following, you can expand to other social media platforms to reach a broader audience. 

Live events are still very relevant for personal branding

in-person events and networking opportunities are essential for building your brand in real life. Attend industry events, join local networking groups, and make meaningful connections with others.

Every interaction you have, whether over coffee, at an event, or during a business meeting, offers a chance to provide value and make an impact. Consider joining local networking groups, attending industry events, and connecting with as many people as possible in real life. Be of service during conversations, dress appropriately, and exhibit graciousness. Your in-person interactions significantly influence your personal brand.

Podcasting is another effective platform for personal branding development 

Starting your own podcast allows you to connect with and engage with an audience interested in your expertise. It establishes your authority and helps build relationships with listeners. Participating in podcast tours can further expand your reach and connect you with new audiences.


The Benefits Of Personal Branding:

The benefits of building a strong personal brand are numerous. It can contribute to the growth of your company, enhance your career prospects, attract PR opportunities, help you attract top talent, and provide strategic networking advantages.

Company Growth

Founders who invest in their personal brands often witness the growth of their companies. While difficult to measure directly, the compound effect of a robust personal brand can have a profound impact on company sales.

Career Growth

If you aspire to secure promotions or attract new opportunities, building a personal brand can help you catch the attention of recruiters and hiring managers. By creating compelling and likable content, you can increase your visibility and enhance your professional prospects.

PR Opportunities

Developing a personal brand puts you on the radar for speaking engagements, featured articles, and guest contributions to local news platforms. By building a strong personal brand, you increase your chances of being recognized and offered various public relations opportunities.

Talent Attraction 

If you are seeking top talent for your organization, a well-established personal brand will attract like-minded individuals to apply for your positions. Never underestimate the power of those who observe and follow your personal brand.

Strategic Networking 

Building a personal brand can grant you access to influential circles and invite you into the right rooms. A strong personal brand ensures that you remain visible and connected to opportunities that align with your goals.


In conclusion, creating a personal brand is an important aspect of today’s world. It requires authenticity, storytelling, variety, and providing value to others. By leveraging social media platforms, in-person events, and podcasting, you can build a strong personal brand that opens up numerous opportunities. Start building your personal brand today and unlock the possibilities that await you.

There’s a lot of noise out there in the online world when it comes to marketing your company. If you are looking for high-impact, actionable content your team can implement quickly and effectively, sign up for our 5-minute marketing newsletter. This newsletter is completely free and packed with tons of actionable content. We send it out every Saturday. Get on the list here!

If you’re Founder or CEO whose company does over $10 million in annual revenue and has a service or product that TRULY helps people… we’d love to work with you. We help build profitable personal brands for founders based on strategic, high-value content that drives both company and personal goals. We do social media, PR, and podcast production and growth for business leaders with a track record of success. If you are a founder who wants to build a profitable personal brand, book your call here to chat! 


3 Essential Strategies For Mid-Size Companies To Prosper Without Cutting Their Marketing Costs

3 Essential Strategies For Mid-Size Companies To Prosper Without Cutting Their Marketing Costs

In today’s challenging economic climate, mid-sized companies face a unique set of obstacles. 

The looming recession threatens to tighten the purse strings even further, forcing many companies to reevaluate their profit and loss statements in order to maximize profits and cut expenses, including marketing costs.

It is critical, however, to understand that now is not the time to retreat on marketing. In fact, mid-sized companies have countless opportunities to thrive and increase brand awareness, even amidst economic uncertainty.

Let’s explore three crucial strategies that can empower your business to weather the storm of the recession and come out on top, while effectively managing your marketing costs.


Deep Dive Market Research: Uncover The Real Source Of Your Leads And Sales For Your Marketing Costs

In order to optimize your marketing costs and make informed decisions, it is important to conduct comprehensive market research. 

Gain an in-depth understanding of where your leads and sales truly come from. By analyzing data from the Bureau of Economic Research, National Bureau of Economic, and other relevant sources, you can identify the most impactful marketing channels and strategies.

Utilize this market research to allocate your marketing budget wisely, focusing on methods that generate the highest return on investment. By identifying the key drivers of consumer spending and monitoring changes in interest rates, unemployment rate, and oil prices, you can adapt your marketing plan to effectively target your audience and drive economic growth.


Leveraging Social Media and Digital Marketing: Enhance Brand Awareness

With the rise of social media, it has become essential for mid-sized companies to harness the power of these platforms. Develop a comprehensive marketing plan that includes leveraging social media channels to increase brand awareness, engage with your target audience, and drive consumer spending.

Allocate a portion of your marketing budget towards targeted social media advertising campaigns that take advantage of the wide reach and precise targeting options available. By closely monitoring consumer trends, market conditions, and central bank policies, you can adjust your social media strategies accordingly to maximize impact and optimize your marketing expenses.


Building A Strong Online Presence: Capitalize on Economic Growth Opportunities And Keep Your Marketing Costs Low

Having a strong online presence in the digital ages is crucial for mid-sized companies to thrive. Invest in market research and employ strategies to enhance your website’s visibility in search engine results, improving your brand’s online discoverability.

Create high-quality organic content that resonates with your target audience, incorporating keywords and relevant topics related to economic growth, central bank policies, and interest rates. This will help improve your website’s search engine rankings, drive organic traffic, and enhance brand awareness.

Additionally, consider partnering with influencers or industry experts who can amplify your brand’s reach and credibility. Collaborate with them to create engaging content that educates your target audience about economic trends and provides valuable insights.

By implementing these strategies and staying proactive, mid-sized companies can effectively navigate the challenges posed by the recession, optimize their marketing budget, and position themselves for long-term success.

There’s a lot of noise out there in the online world when it comes to marketing your company. If you are looking for high-impact, actionable content your team can implement quickly and effectively, sign up for our 5-minute marketing newsletter. This newsletter is completely free and packed with tons of actionable content. We send it out every Saturday. Get on the list here!

If your company does over $10 million in annual revenue, has a team of at least 10, and a service or product that TRULY helps people… we’d love to work with you. We offer a free marketing consultation for companies who meet the criteria above. Book a call to go over your company’s current areas of strength and weakness, and let our team build out a marketing plan you can execute on your own, or have our team execute for you. Book your call here. 


Three Tips to Build Your Thought Leadership

Three Tips to Build Your Thought Leadership

Lots of entrepreneurs and business leaders like to consider themselves thought leaders.

However, few are actually willing to step out in front of the crowd, disrupt the status quo, and actually bring new ideas to the table.

Most of what we see online is a bunch of people hopping on trends, and regurgitating what others are teaching.

So… before we dive into some practical ways to build your thought leadership, let’s get clear on ONE thing…


Once you’ve got some unique perspectives and innovative ways at looking at your industry, it’s time to get the word out.

Here are three simple ways to share your thought leadership with the world!

  • Start a podcast and commit to podcast guesting. There is no better way to build your thought leadership than to regularly share your thoughts with the world. Whether you leverage your own show or guest on other people’s shows, consistently sharing thought-provoking viewpoints will help you stand out as an industry leader.


  • Get some leveraged PR
    PR in the right places showcases your authority and puts you on the radar of people who would normally never be in your ecosystem. Having a clear PR strategy and leveraging other people’s audiences is critical to building your thought leadership.


  • Get social
    Social media isn’t a fading trend. It’s where business is done these days. If you aren’t leveraging your online presence to showcase your thought leadership, then you are missing countless opportunities to lead the pack. Instead of chasing trends and algorithms, commit to creating real value that sets you apart

At the end of the day, if you’ve got some unique things to say, consistency with getting your ideas out into the world is going to be critical to establishing yourself as a trailblazer. 

Should you hire a marketing agency?

Should you hire a marketing agency?

Should you hire an inhouse marketing team?

Should you hire multiple agencies who can take care of your marketing needs?

Should you do both?

Depending on your stage of business, the answer to all of the above migh be yes!

Here are a few things to consider as you are thinking through how to manage your marketing. 

If you are new in business, and extra tight on cash… you might want to wait (desperation and marketing DO NOT go together). Do your marketing yourself. Learn what your market wants and works best for your company. This skillset will serve you well as you grow!

If you don’t have a proven offer that people actually want, marketing can’t fix that (no matter how amazing the agency is). So, work on your offer and get your first few clients or customers before you spend anything on marketing. 

If you are unclear on your ideal clients, or your true value in the marketplace…an agency isn’t smart.

You SHOULD hire a marketing agency if:

  • You have a proven offer that you want to scale.
  • You want to maximize your exposure and grow your visibility.
  • You want to generate more quality leads (but aren’t desperate to do so)
  • You want to elevate your brand to make a bigger impact.
  • You want to open new doors of opportunity.
  • You know what works, and want to add fuel to the fire.
  • You understand that hiring a full-time in house marketing team will cost anywhere from $20k-$30k per month, and know you can get a better ROI working with an agency.

Not everyone needs to hand over their marketing to anyone, especially before you dial things in and learn your market well.

But, for many, finding the right agency will increase their profits and take the stress of marketing off their plate!

Common Mistakes Luxury Businesses Make on Social Media 

Common Mistakes Luxury Businesses Make on Social Media 

Whether you own a luxury apartment building, upscale restaurant, or premium product line, if you want a brand that’s associated with luxury, then you need to intentionally build that brand identity, and stay consistent.

However, that consistency is often difficult for brands on social media.


Here are some common mistakes luxury businesses make, on social media,  that UNDERMINE their luxury status…

  • Using stock photos or REAL photos that look stock-ish.

I love a great professional photo that is beautifully edited and absolutely pristine… on a website.

But, using high-end lifestyle photos with your product or for your service allows potential buyers to SEE THEMSELVES there.

Example: if you have a luxury apartment complex and are looking to attract young professionals, keep the staged apartments and beautiful shared spaces on your website. Then, fill those areas with ACTUAL people who are young professionals looking, and get some more candid photos of them using the spaces.

  • One-line captions that mean nothing to the potential buyer.

An emoji with a hashtag is NOT going to cut it. A “Check out this new spa treatment to give you younger looking skin”… no bueno.

  • NOT painting the picture, telling a story, or giving context in your captions.

Example:  your luxury spa has a new facial that will reverse the signs of aging and clear up sun damage.

Write a caption explaining the new treatment including:
Who is it ideal for (and not ideal for)
Is it painful? Super simple and easy?
How long does the treatment take?
How long will it take before I see results?

Luxury brands CAN and SHOULD use social to build their brand, but you can’t just phone it in. You need to draw the right people in, in a way that makes them feel they are MEANT to experience what you have to offer.