10 Hooks to Help You Grow Your LinkedIn Following

by | Sep 7, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Building thought leadership on LinkedIn requires more than just posting; it’s about capturing attention with the right message while staying true to your expertise.

If you’re looking to grow your influence without compromising your content’s depth, these hooks will help you stand out while maintaining the integrity of your brand. Give one a try in your next post!

Social Proof Hooks

1. How I helped {type of client} go from {problem or starting point} to {desired outcome} in {length of time}.

This type of post shows potential clients that you get results. Be clear about who you work with, and always share real results. It’s important to attract the right audience, and specificity will help you do that.

Example: How I helped my client, who runs a concierge medical practice, go from 1,800 followers on LinkedIn to over 14k in just 6 months.

2. Here’s my proven formula for helping clients {desired outcome}, even when they are {perceived limitation}.

Do you have a signature formula or framework? This hook positions you as an expert and handles objections before they even come up.

Example: Here’s my proven formula for helping clients build massive visibility on LinkedIn, even when they have NO TIME to create content!

Mistakes/Myths Hooks

3. The biggest myth {industry or type of people} believe, and the truth that will {result they want}.

Every industry is filled with myths. Busting those myths positions you as an authority while giving your audience the insight they need.

Example: The biggest myth about weight loss after 40, and the truth that will help you get in the best shape of your life!

4. The {number} most common mistakes {ideal client} make when trying to {desired outcome}, and how you can avoid them.

This is a great way to call out the mistakes your audience is making and offer them solutions. It gives value and sets you up as a trusted advisor.

Example: The 3 most common mistakes medical practitioners make when building their personal brand, and how YOU can avoid them!

Helpful Teaching Hooks

5. How to {achieve desired outcome} without {common perceived challenge}.

This hook tells your audience that they can achieve their goals without the obstacles they think stand in their way.

Example: How to become an industry thought leader WITHOUT spending hours creating content or scrolling social media!

6. Here’s a simple formula to {goal they want to achieve}, in less than {realistic time frame}.

Everyone loves quick wins. Offering a formula with a realistic timeline makes your post actionable and valuable.

Example: Here’s a simple formula to grow your LinkedIn following to 10k in less than 4 months!

Advice/Personal Hooks

7. The one piece of advice that transformed my {ability to meet goals, career, business}.

People love insider tips, and this type of post feels personal and relatable. It’s a scroll-stopper.

Example: The one piece of advice that helped me blow up my personal brand to over 1M followers across platforms.

8. As an {authority statement, certification, position}, here’s one piece of advice I’d give to someone who {desired goal}.

This hook leverages your authority and gives actionable advice, building trust with your audience.

Example: As a board-certified medical weight loss doctor, here’s one piece of advice I’d give to someone considering Ozempic as a weight loss option.

Other Fun Hooks

9. Don’t even think about {something they would do to get the result}, without doing this first!

Use this hook to call attention to a critical action someone should take before diving into their goal.

Example: Don’t even THINK about hiring a ghostwriter without doing this first!

10. The one strategy every {professional or descriptive title} uses, but no one ever talks about.

This is perfect for sharing those behind-the-scenes tips that the pros use but rarely mention.

Example: The one strategy every influencer in the entrepreneurial space uses to grow their Instagram that NO ONE ever talks about.

There you have it!

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